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Normanton Foodworks is independently run and 98% of its staff are local and indigenous. Our aim is to give power back to the community, not just with work opportunities, but by offering a large variety of groceries at reasonable prices. Normanton Foodworks has now expanded to include a bakery.

Our regular specials are promoted on our Facebook page at

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Normanton Foodworks - Lotto Terminal - home slider
Normanton Foodworks - Lotto Terminal - home slider
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Normanton Foodworks logo

Food, Fuel, Supplies and Lotto in the Gulf Country

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Normanton Foodworks - Lotto Terminal - home slider
Normanton Foodworks logo

Normanton Foodworks is the only Gold Lotto Agency in the Gulf

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North West Queensland

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Normanton Foodworks Forecourt

Completed and opened on the 21st of November 2022. Normanton Foodworks Supermarket is located at 59-63 Landsborough St (pictured above).

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